My weight has affected everything, including my relationships, my health and my career. I’ve been with my partner, Simon, for more than 30 years, but I'd never wanted to get married because I was worried about fitting into a wedding dress. We conceived our daughter, Hannah, using IVF – and my weight was a factor in the difficulties I had getting pregnant naturally.  

I feel that being bigger held me back in my teaching career, too – my concerns over the smart clothes I’d need to wear meant I never pushed for progression. My confidence was so low that I even asked to be considered for redundancy. Luckily, my request wasn’t granted, and I’m so glad, as my love for teaching has now been reignited.  

The big turning point came in January 2022. I was at my heaviest, weighing more than 20st, and my health issues were starting to spiral out of control. I’ve always struggled with asthma, and at my annual check-up my blood pressure was sky-high. I was told that it was likely I’d need to start taking blood pressure and cholesterol tablets, as well as increasing my asthma medication. The one thing I could do to help myself, though, was lose weight.  

I hoped that slimming down might help my mental health, as well. I’d recently lost my mum to cancer, which was devastating, and it had happened as I was entering menopause. It was a really overwhelming time and my mood was at an all-time low.  

It was seeing a photo of Mum and me together that gave me the strength to take action. It was really obvious how much weight I’d put on since it was taken. Not long afterwards, I spotted a Slimming World flyer and it seemed like a sign.  

I went along to my first group meeting that same week, and the Consultant, Sophie, welcomed me with open arms. Everyone else was so lovely and friendly, too – my nerves quickly disappeared. Now, going to group is the highlight of my week!  

On that first visit, I signed up for the 12-week support package. I knew that paying upfront for three months meant I wouldn’t be tempted to skip group and would give it a really good go. Within a few weeks I’d lost half a stone, and then, not long after that, I got my 1st award. I’d rediscovered cooking healthy meals and I never felt like I was going without.  

In those early months, I loved the fact that pasta, rice and potatoes are Free Foods on the Slimming World plan, so I could eat as much of them as I liked. If I’d been told to cut out carbs, it would’ve been really difficult for me to stick to. Over time, I’ve found I’m naturally not eating them in the quantities that I used to – probably because I’m feeling fuller and more satisfied overall.  

Of course, there have been some difficult times along the way. When my weight loss slowed down, I did feel disheartened – but Sophie and the others at group would encourage me and give me the motivation I needed to keep going.  

The support I get in group is key for me, and I love using the Slimming World app, too. The barcode scanner is brilliant when I’m in the supermarket and want to quickly check how a product fits into the plan.  

In less than two years as a Slimming World member, I steadily lost 8st in weight, taking me from a clothes size 24 to a 16 – and the best thing is that it’s staying off for good! I’ve tried many other ways to lose weight in the past, but Slimming World is the only thing that’s stuck. It’s because I don’t feel like I’m on a diet. I still enjoy a cooked breakfast on the weekends, and hearty meals like spaghetti bolognese – I've just cut out the fast food and ready meals, and swapped the chocolate bars and slices of cake for healthier snacks that won’t sabotage my weight loss.  

What’s also amazing is that, at nearly 50 years old, I’ve discovered a love for exercise! At Slimming World, you’re encouraged to get more active, doing things you enjoy – and now I’m walking and swimming nearly every day. I’ve even tried water sports for the first time in my life, giving paddle boarding, body boarding and kayaking a go. It’s meant that I hardly need to use my asthma inhalers now. And because I’ve improved my fitness, I could do a 15-mile sponsored swim to raise £1,000 for the hospice that looked after Mum in the last few weeks of her life.  

Losing weight has transformed my health. My asthma isn’t as severe, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are back within normal ranges. I decided to go on HRT patches to help with my menopause symptoms – and while they did have an impact on my weight loss to begin with, I kept following the plan and, after a few weeks, the weight started to come off again.  

My mood is also better, and I’ve found joy in teaching again. Before, I’d struggle to interact with the children because getting up and down off the floor, or taking part in anything active, was impossible. Now I can get fully involved and it’s given me so much more confidence in front of the class.

Looking to next year and the big birthday I have coming up, I’d love to go on an amazing holiday to celebrate (without worrying about the seat belt not doing up!). I’d also like to start thinking seriously about Simon and I getting married. I know it’s a cliché to say that life begins at 50, but in my case, it feels true – and I know that Mum would be so proud.  

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.