Our convenient, flexible digital weight loss programme will fit around you and your busy lifestyle – allowing you to join Slimming World from the comfort of your home! It’s rooted in psychology, it’s easy to use online wherever you are, and it puts you in control. With Slimming World Online, you’ll be part of a community of slimmers who’ll inspire and motivate you to make lasting weight loss changes.
reasons to love Slimming World’s online weight loss programme
Slimming World Online membership packages
Bronze – £60
Three months’ membership to Slimming World Online
Our supercharged member pack to jump-start your weight loss.
Silver – £65
Three months’ membership to Slimming World Online
Our supercharged member pack to jump-start your weight loss.
Two Slimming World recipe books (worth £4.95 each). Find out more about our recipe book deal.
Gold – £80
Three months’ membership to Slimming World Online
Our supercharged member pack to jump-start your weight loss.
Two Slimming World recipe books (worth £4.95 each). Find out more about our recipe book deal.
A one-year subscription to Slimming World Magazine (normally £21.50).
Join Slimming World Online today and take the first step towards reaching your dream weight!
Slimming World Online stories
Meet the real-life members who’ve achieved lasting results with our digital service
Gary Smith
successat my fingertips
Life’s full of active adventures for Gary
‘I love that I can pop on the app at any time and have so many different recipes to try. I’m also active in the online Community, where members share recipes, tips and moments from their slimming journeys – it’s so inspiring!’
Phoebe Casey-Miller
Phoebe changed her mindset around food
‘I used to let my emotions decide what I’d eat – and I was constantly thinking about my weight. Joining Slimming World Online helped me to form healthy habits and stick to them. I feel confident, fit and free!’