In a new study*, 56% of UK adults said they’d followed a fad diet in an attempt to lose weight – and 71% of those said they didn’t get the weight loss they wanted. 

At Slimming World, we’ll support you to build healthy habits and achieve lasting weight loss success. Three in four of our members were lighter up to three years after joining a Slimming World group. 

Here, member Amanda Hetherington shares the tools and strategies that have helped her look forward to a healthier future with her family… 

When I weighed 29½st (187kg), I spent so much time scrolling on social media to see who’d lost the most weight in the shortest time. I tried every diet I could find, including total-food-replacement ones. They were so restrictive and extreme that I’d always cave in after a couple of days. Then I’d be back to square one and feel so upset with myself for failing.  

That sense of failure led me to comfort eat – it was a vicious circle I thought I’d never escape. I was so tired of yo-yo dieting and not being able to stick to anything for long. 

I remember when my husband Gary and I went to see Michael Bublé in concert. Instead of going for a lovely dinner out beforehand, I had a meal-replacement shake in our hotel room and Gary bought a meal-deal sandwich.  

The turning point

During the pandemic, I realised that my weight was putting me at severe risk from Covid. When I saw the oxygen machines on the news, I knew I had to do something. I thought, ‘I’m too young, I can’t die yet!’. I was also afraid that, if I did pass away, I wouldn’t fit into a standard-size coffin.

I’d been a member of Slimming World before, and when a leaflet popped through my door, I was reminded that it had been the only weight loss method I’d ever enjoyed following. 

It was so easy to adapt my family’s favourite meals so that we could all eat the same thing. My three-year-old daughter, Philippa, loved Slimming World’s spaghetti and meatballs, made with lean beef mince and my own sauce using a tin of tomatoes. I also became a big fan of the Slimming World food range, especially the Chicken Biryani and Chicken Balti. 

Support made all the difference

My Slimming World Consultant, Ruth, helped to keep me motivated each week and supported me throughout my journey. I also used the Slimming World app to track my food, plan my meals and find new recipes to try. I loved reading the inspiring member success stories, too. 

Being part of Ruth’s group was crucial to my success. Everyone’s in the same boat, doing it together, discovering recipes and getting encouragement from each other. The accountability at group was so important for me – you don’t realise how well you’re doing until people say it. I moved house during my slimming journey and still travelled back to my original group, as I’d made such strong friendships. 

Before, I wasn’t active at all – I struggled to climb a flight of stairs. Now I’m a regular at the gym and have a personal trainer to help me tone up. I go to fitness classes every week, too, proudly standing at the front without feeling intimidated. Last year, I signed up to the Couch to 5K programme with my local running group and completed it! I love running now. 

A healthier future

It’s incredible to think back to the scrolling on social media I used to do, desperately searching for a way to lose weight quickly. Now I know that losing weight isn’t a quick fix. I’ve gone from a clothes size 36 to a 12, I’m so much more confident, and I don’t have panic attacks about my health any more. 

Ditching the fad diets was the best decision I ever made – I’ve found a healthy, maintainable way to lose weight, and I know I’ll follow it forever. 

Dr Amanda Avery, Slimming World’s health and research consultant dietitian, says: ‘As Amanda’s story shows, it can be so easy to fall for quick fixes when social media is flooded with misinformation, especially when we’re desperate to lose weight. When it comes to lasting weight loss, we can see from our research how important it is to follow an effective, healthy and sustainable approach. 

‘Staying on track and committed until your efforts become everyday habits is the secret to long-term weight loss. Getting support to do that is exactly what Slimming World provides – and has done for 55 years.’ 

With Slimming World, yes you can reach your dream weight – and stay there for good! Read our research to discover how we help you build healthy habits and achieve lasting weight loss success. 

Are you interested in joining us and getting your dream weight loss result? Explore two great ways to join here.  

*The research was conducted by Censuswide, among a sample of 2,004 nationally representative consumers across the UK (aged 18+), along with a self-selecting sample of 1,380 Slimming World members via Slimming World’s member website.   

Weight loss will vary according to your individual circumstances and how much weight you have to lose.