Rewind to two years ago, and Ajay thought he’d be spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Now, he’s lost more than 3st and feels fitter and stronger than he ever thought possible. So he’s stepped back in time to give his younger self some inspiring advice...
Watch Ajay’s video message
What’s your biggest weight loss wish?
We all have different motivations for wanting to lose weight. Some people, like Ajay, have serious health concerns, while others would love to increase their confidence, have more energy or simply enjoy life more.
Whatever your reason, together, we can help you achieve that goal.
If you’re ready to get started, click here to take the first step towards your amazing new life.
Before he rejoined Slimming World, Ajay was in a bad place, but these days he feels positive, outgoing and bubbly
Wanting to pay the kindness and support of his group forward, Ajay retrained as a Slimming World Consultant
Picking up his target award from his Consultant, Zaheer Bhatti
Ajay says going to Eurovision the second time around was a game-changer, and the compliments he got ‘were unreal!’