We are there for you 52 weeks a year. I understand how hard it can be to take that first step and walk through the doors into group, but I assure you a warm welcome will be waiting for you. Come along and receive all of the help and support you need to achieve your weight loss dreams. I joined Slimming World in 2011 and lost 3st 7lbs, which completely changed my life. When I started Slimming World I couldn't believe how much food I could eat and still lose weight. With the Food Optimising plan you'll never go hungry and learn to discover an unlimited number of family friendly meals! I'm also a lot more active now than I was before losing weight with Slimming World. I love walking and really enjoy being able to run around with my son.
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Laura at Heyford Park Chapel
Your Consultant is
Due to a last minute venue closure, and despite every effort to find an alternative, we’re sorry to let you know that group won’t be running today. You’ll be warmly welcomed at any other Slimming World group this week, to begin or to continue your weight loss journey.
If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.