I joined a Slimming World group in August 2017. I followed the plan 100%. I started to live a life without hunger or feeling deprived because no food was barred. I got to target in 11 months, losing 6st 4 1/2lbs. I still continued to go to group every week because I loved being able to support others . I became a Consultant and re-launched my group on 2nd January 2019. I look forward to every session and seeing all my members. Members are losing weight every week from this truly amazing food plan which guarantees success. For more information, give me a call or pop along to group.
Ready to join
Slimming World?
Michelle at Elmbridge Junior School
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If you have any questions at all, please give your Consultant a call – they'll be happy to help and there’ll be a warm welcome waiting for you.