Slimming doesn’t have to mean drastically slashing your shopping list. There are lots of simple food swaps that feel so small you probably won’t even notice them – yet they can make a big difference to the result on the scales.
8 simple food swaps to try this week
Switching to ‘extra light’ or ‘fat-free’ versions can transform your shopping basket to a food swap superstar. The next time you’re at the supermarket, check out these nifty food swaps:
Shelve it: sugar
Swap it: sweetener – or try leaving your tea or Weetabix unsweetened!
Shelve it: white bread
Swap it: wholemeal bread
Shelve it: regular mayo
Swap it: extra light mayo or fat-free vinaigrette
Shelve it: whole milk
Swap it: skimmed milk

Shelve it: regular yogurts
Swap it: fat-free natural yogurt or fat-free fromage frais
Shelve it: butter
Swap it: reduced-fat spread
Shelve it: cream or crème fraîche
Swap it: quark or fat-free fromage frais
Shelve it: olive oil
Swap it: low-calorie cooking spray

Hopefully, these simple food swaps have given you a taste of how easy filling a slimming-friendly shopping basket can be. When you become a Slimming World member you’ll find a more detailed – and handily handbag sized – Slimming World shopping list in your new member welcome pack, including all the info you need to get off to a great slimming start.
Free 7-day menu
Make your first week of food shopping even easier with our free 7-day Food Optimising plan. Enter your email address below to receive a full week of recipes, as well as our regular newsletter packed with more Slimming World food, inspiring member transformations and exciting special offers.