You’ll find bells a-jingling and tinsel a-sparkling in your nearest group this week as we unwrap week one of Slimming World’s #Slim4Xmas challenge.
With expert help from your Consultant, you’ll discover how you can still enjoy your favourite Christmas shopping nibbles and keep your weight loss on track. Discover the best grab-and-go food choices and dive into what’s really in your takeaway coffee cup (from full-fat milk to sugary syrups), and the slim-safe alternatives you can ask for instead.
For this week’s Christmas challenge, the Slimming World elves want to see your favourite festive swaps! Snap and share on social media using the #Slim4Xmas hashtag – you’ll find loads of inspiration from what other members are sharing, too!
Slimming World groups are open!
You can find out more about joining Slimming World – and search your nearest local group – here.
If you’re already a Slimming World member our ‘Bring a Friend, Get a Week Free’ offer is running from 14th November until 25th Dececmber 2021 (your Consultant can tell you more).