Move Slimming World mythbusters: Exercise and weight loss We tackle the fake news about fitness and give you the low-down on how we can help you get active for a fit, healthy, slim-for-life future
Discover Tips to help you snooze more – and lose more! We share the results of our sleep study, with advice on how to break the vicious sleep cycle and wake up to weight loss success
Eat Slimming World Irish stew and colcannon Are you on the look-out for slimming-friendly Irish recipes to celebrate St Patrick’s Day? You’re in luck!
Discover A taste of Slimming World freedom Discover freedom from calorie counting and feeling restricted, from guilt and self-sabotage, and from having to say no to the foods you enjoy…
Inspire “I lost over 4st for my vintage-style wedding” Being part of a supportive group helped Frankie Buttons to understand and overcome her secret-eating habit, and lose over 4st for her wedding day of dreams
Move Freedom to get active your way If you thought exercise was all about hitting the gym, you might be in for a surprise! There are so many ways to discover the benefits of Body Magic...
Inspire “I lost over 7st and never counted a single calorie” After years of yo-yo dieting, Caitlin Trick was ready to try something different. Here’s how she broke free from calorie counting and discovered the freedom to enjoy food
Discover Keeping you and your weight loss safe and sound Here’s what you can expect from real-life groups as we move from lockdown… to slim-down!
Move Fit tips: Swimming Make a splash with an energy-burning, body-toning, stress-busting form of Body Magic. Our expert tips will help you gets off to a swimming start