Move Slimming World mythbusters: Exercise and weight loss We tackle the fake news about fitness and give you the low-down on how we can help you get active for a fit, healthy, slim-for-life future
Discover Tips to help you snooze more – and lose more! We share the results of our sleep study, with advice on how to break the vicious sleep cycle and wake up to weight loss success
Eat Slimming World Irish stew and colcannon Are you on the look-out for slimming-friendly Irish recipes to celebrate St Patrick’s Day? You’re in luck!
Move “We’ve lost more than 24st – and now we’re running the London Marathon” We’re pulling on our running shoes for a race through the Slimming World London Marathon 2021 team. Meet the inspiring members who are taking part… on your marks, get set, go!
Discover Slimming World Food Range – fakeaways, soups and more Who fancies a fakeaway? We’ve added an exciting cargo of curries to our Free Food Range – tikka peek at what’s on the menu this month...
Eat How does Slimming World work? Are you new to Slimming World? Let us show you around a world of fantastic food and unbeatable slimming support – the first step on your journey to a healthier, happier you
Inspire “We fell in love with fakeaways – and reignited our marriage” Spending £85 a week on takeaways put Nicola and Chris’s health and relationship under strain. Here’s how they ditched the fast food and delivered a 17st weight loss
Discover Making time for you Do the weeks seem to fly by, leaving you feeling frazzled? We can help you put me-time at the top of that to-do list!
Inspire “I broke free of old habits to lose 3st 7lbs” Discover how prison worker Leon McInnes made a clean break during lockdown – and which simple swaps helped him to find freedom from his fast-food habit