Move Slimming World mythbusters: Exercise and weight loss We tackle the fake news about fitness and give you the low-down on how we can help you get active for a fit, healthy, slim-for-life future
Discover Tips to help you snooze more – and lose more! We share the results of our sleep study, with advice on how to break the vicious sleep cycle and wake up to weight loss success
Eat Slimming World Irish stew and colcannon Are you on the look-out for slimming-friendly Irish recipes to celebrate St Patrick’s Day? You’re in luck!
Eat Seasonal Shopping List: November Shop the seasons for a basket that’s brimming with the freshest, tastiest and cheapest fruit and veg
Inspire October ‘feel amazing’ moments Our members share snapshots of their awesome October highlights
Eat Hunger-busting packed lunch ideas for half term Treating your little monsters to a day out? Avoid scary fast food tricks and keep your weight loss on track with these ideas
Move Get moving this spooky school holiday Keep your little ghouls busy – and squeeze in lots of boo-rilliant Body Magic – with an active half term week!
Inspire September ‘feel amazing!’ moments Our members share snapshots of their extra special September highlights
Discover Midweek meals in next to no time Meet our Slimming World food range newbies – hitting Iceland shelves near you