I don’t know about you, but living through lockdown has given me a whole new appreciation for being out in the fresh air. While most parts of the country were closed down, parks and green spaces gave me a safe place to keep moving and, more recently, meet up with friends and family (a Slimming World picnic, anyone?) while social distancing.
By the looks of it, I’m not the only one. Slimming World members across the country have been making fantastic use of their local parks to have fun in the fresh air while boosting their fitness levels. As we get ready for life after lockdown, getting active in outdoor spaces can help support your physical and mental health, putting you in the best place to form those healthy habits that are at the heart of Slimming World.
To help inspire you to get out and enjoy your local green spaces – as well as celebrate Love Parks Week! – we wanted to share some of the amazing ways our members are enjoying park life…

Carli (@slimmingworld_stbedes) made the most of some rare sunshine recently by enjoying an outdoor workout with some of her fellow Slimming World members. “A great way to start the day,” she says. “Laughing, giggling and smashing our Body Magic in a fab socially distanced workout.”
This snap of Susanne (@susanneslimworld) is so inspiring! With her leisure centre closed, she took the gym to the park to enjoy a workout with kettlebells and armbands. She says: “I feel so much better getting back to training, as I missed it during lockdown. I prefer training in the park, as the fresh air is so much better for me.”
It’s great to see Susanne loving her workouts, though Body Magic doesn’t have to be about pushing yourself to the limit. Even five minutes of moderate activity (that’s anything that gets you breathing faster, your heart rate up and feeling warmer) will set you on your way to nabbing your first Body Magic award.

Dry land isn’t the only place to enjoy the outside, though – our Man of the Year 2019, Ben (@sw_freefoodfan), recently capped off a day out with his family by rowing down the River Derwent. He says: “A great day out at Matlock Bath with my two princesses. I even ended up on a boat enjoying #bodymagicmoments, even though I look scared in the photo!” I don’t blame you, Ben – that water looks chilly! But on the brighter side, all that rowing is great for toning your upper arms 💪.

Kaylee (@slimmingworld_kaylee5) took advantage of some sunny weather by taking a long walk around a nearby park while her kids followed on their bikes and scooters. That’s what Body Magic is all about – finding activities you love doing and enjoying them to the full. Kaylee, you’ve nailed it!

I love this pic of Judit (@sw.eat.slim.judit), snapped mid-volley during a match at her local tennis court. She says: “Thoroughly enjoyed it. Only half an hour, running after that ball, helping me to get fit and looking after my health. Combining it with the Slimming World way of eating, I am well on my way to my target weight. Happy days!”
If all that awesome activity gets your tummy rumbling, it’s a good idea to take a filling, slimming-friendly snack or picnic with you on your outdoor excursions. Ash-leigh (@leighslife) packed up this yummy-looking lunch.

She says: “Strawberries, raspberries, melon chunks and kiwi for my mid-morning snack. Lunch – cauliflower biryani bites mixed with couscous and salad. Grapes, cucumber chunks, mini pickled onions, Cathedral City nibbles, a sliced mini Peperami, small-chunk pickle and mini breadsticks.” If you’re already a Slimming World member, you can check the Syn values for Ash-leigh’s snacks using the Food Search on the member website, where you can also find heaps more ideas for al-fresco Food Optimising.
Whether you choose to take a brisk solo stroll or move more with your mates, there are lots of ways to enjoy Body Magic in the park. If you join a Slimming World group, we’ll help you work towards your Body Magic goals with plenty of encouragement and celebration. Get in touch with your local Consultant to find out more.
Let us know how you’re making the most of parks and green spaces! We’d love to see your activity snaps on the blog or on social using #theSlimmingWorldblog