Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself and thought: ‘Is that really me?’. You’re not alone. Lots of us have that one photo (at least!) that we’d rather forget. I still cringe at the embarrassing school photo that somehow made it into the local newspaper – and that was before everyone had camera phones ready to capture our every moment!
Slimming World members are no different. Whether it’s a holiday snap that took the wind out of their sails, a disappointing wedding photo or just a pic where they looked bigger than they’d expected, so many slimmers start their journeys with the click of a camera. Instead of hiding that photo somewhere it will never be found, though, they turn it into their greatest motivation.
While we never need a reason to show off the amazing achievements of our members, we couldn’t let World Photo Day pass without sharing some of the photos that inspired our members to lose weight – and the life-changing transformations that followed.

Consultant Suzy (@suzysums) feels like a different person since this snap was taken at an obstacle course during friend’s hen party in 2012. Since then, she’s lost over 5st and found the confidence to say ‘yes!’ to every opportunity that comes her way.
She says: “I absolutely dreaded that day, worrying that I would struggle and that people would see me as the ‘big girl’ who couldn’t do it. I was so embarrassed when my worst nightmare came true and one of the volunteers had to help me over the last obstacle because I just couldn’t pull my weight over it.
“The next time I arranged it! I was buzzing for it and with a group of my amazing members we raised lots of money for a local charity. We had such an awesome day (even if they did get a glimpse of my crazy competitive side 🙊)! It was a lush feeling knowing that this time around, I was going to enjoy myself completely. I wasn’t worried about whether I could do it or not – I was just going to have fun.”
When Erika saw an unflattering snap of herself on holiday in Lanzarote, she was determined to do something about her plummeting confidence. After losing 5½st with Slimming World, she can’t wait to get out on the beach.
She says: “Seeing that photo helped me realise how unhappy I was about my size, and I joined Slimming World as soon as I got home. Now, I feel fitter and healthier than I’ve done in a long time, and my confidence has never been higher. I can’t wait to book a holiday with the girls and stride across a sun-soaked beach in a bikini, feeling happy and confident about my body. I know I’m going to love seeing the photos afterwards!”
MORE ON THE BLOG: Erika Spiller shares her 5½st weight loss diary

Charlie (@charlie_does_slimmingworld) was surprised by his own transformation when he saw these photos side by side, and it’s easy to see why! Losing 6st has helped him to feel confident and more comfortable in his clothes.
He says: “SAME clothes, SAME person… a few years apart. The clothes were worn to a friend’s wedding. I remember them being so tight and restrictive. The trousers rubbed my legs and it was a warm day so I was uncomfortable. This is one of the few photos that even showed me there. Making a speech that day, I was a bag of nerves.
“The picture on the right was taken on Saturday. It felt surreal to put them on and I must admit, I had a struggle to keep the trousers up, as they kept falling down. I had to take these pictures using a camera, tripod and my phone as a remote control, hence the awkward pose and sullen look. My expression on seeing the comparison pictures was definitely not like the look in the picture!”

Stevie (@slimmingste) looks amazing after losing 5st, and the difference weight loss has made to her mental health and family life is truly inspiring.
She says: “May 2018: Putting a smile on my face and hiding behind a scarf! I had been diagnosed with post-partum psychosis for around a month and looking after myself physically was the last thing on my mind! August 2020: Ready to head out with my girls 5st down with 3 and a bit to go to target.”

Looking back at the photo that started her slimming journey inspired Lauren (@downsizingflabulously) to get back on track with her weight loss after a couple of challenging weeks.
She says: The photo on the left was taken in 2017, when I performed in Disneyland Paris with my university. I wasn’t even at my heaviest at that point either. The photo on the right was taken a couple weeks ago, after going on a shopping haul to find new clothes because my current ones are too big now.

Steven Little was spurred on to lose 6st 3lbs after his weight stopped him from getting on a theme park ride while on holiday in Florida.
He says: “I was full of excitement when I reached the front of the long queue for a Harry Potter ride at Universal Studios. But when I took my seat, I couldn’t get the safety bar over my stomach. Within six months of joining Slimming World, I’d hit my target weight and it was time to book a return trip to Florida. And this time I went on every single ride, with a huge grin on my face. It’s fantastic that I can now enjoy my holidays to the full.”
MORE ON THE BLOG: Y’all love our USA and Mexico-inspired recipes

I love this transformation photo Georgia (@gee.slimmingworld) shared of herself with her daughter – the smiles on their faces say it all!
Georgia says: “This comparison literally blows my own mind! The photo on the left had me in literal tears! I cannot believe in just over a year I’ve gone from the first photo to the second one! Not only has my weight loss changed my life physically but it’s changed me mentally. My confidence has grown 10 times bigger and I could not be happier.”
We hope flicking through our Slimming World photo album has helped you feel inspired! Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, we’re here to help you get there. When you join your local group or Slimming World Online, we’ll support you every step of the way, with expert advice and slimming strategies to help you reach your dream weight. You can find out more about joining Slimming World here.
Do you have a photo that inspired you to lose weight? We’d love to see your amazing transformation on the blog or on social using #theSlimmingWorldblog.