We love seeing our members enjoying Halloween fun with big smiles on their faces – whether that’s dressing up in spooky style or having fun at a pumpkin patch or Halloween party.

Grace has lost more than 12st with Slimming World and now loves being creative with her clothes. She says: “Losing weight has given me my confidence back. I’m so much more outgoing.”

Target member Nicola has lost 8st and transformed her health during the menopause.

Slimming World Consultant Clare and her husband John have both slimmed spook-tacularly between these two Halloween snaps, with life-changing results.

Our member Sophie has lost more than a stone since joining Slimming World in September. She says: “Sunday spent pumpkin picking. My black leather skirt was so loose. I’m so proud of myself!”

Laura shows off her weight loss as a slinky skeleton. She says: “I’m so much happier in my own skin now!”
More on the blog: Your haunted menu for a spooktacular Halloween party

Slimming World member Kelly rejoined her local group in July and noticed a big difference in her confidence by Halloween.

Wow! Check out Sophie’s fairy-tale transformation, as she lost 8st 10lbs over two years to become a beautifully blood-splattered Little Red Riding Hood.
More on the blog: Six scary movie ideas with not-so-scary meals and snacks

Amber lost an incredible 7st with the help of her Slimming World group. She says: “My physical appearance is just the surface… I’ve got my confidence back, my happiness and, most of all, a healthy life! This is the most ‘me’ I’ve felt in forever and I couldn’t be happier.”
More on the blog: Fill your spooky school holiday with magical activity
We think Amber has perfectly summed up how weight loss is about more than the way you look – feeling comfortable and confident can change your life.
When you join your local Slimming World group or our digital-service, Slimming World Online, we’ll be waiting to welcome you with tailored slimming support, all the info you need to follow our Food Optimising plan and a tasty slimming-friendly menu. Together we can help make sure that fun events are nothing to fear.