Over the past few months, we’ve been delighted to welcome our members back to Slimming World as our real-life groups opened their doors once more. It’s been fantastic to see our Consultants and members back together in person – and to see them loving ‘that feeling’ of being back on it with their weight loss journeys. If you’ve never been a Slimming World member before, you might not know that research shows that you’re more likely to succeed when you’re a part of a Slimming World group, with people who care and share your goals.
Kat (@eatingmywayslim_) missed group during lockdown and now she’s raring to go with her weight loss journey. She says:
“Going to group and posting my meals really does help. I love a good loss because it just makes me more determined for the week ahead.”
With autumn falling upon us, lots of us are taking the new season as a fresh opportunity to make a change. If you’re feeling ready to commit to your slimming goals, there’s still time to take advantage of our best-ever Countdown course offer for new and existing members:
Get a FREE copy of Slimming World’s Take 5, Second Helpings – plus six weeks for the price of five – if you commit to a six-week countdown course before 10th October 2020. You can find out how to join Slimming World here.
Discover what our members are saying about the new Take 5, Second Helpings cookbook further down this post…
Keeping you safe and sound
As we continue to live in uncertain times, we know many of you will have questions about what the new normal looks like at Slimming World, and we want to reassure you that there’s nothing more important than your safety. We’ve put lots of careful measures in place to make sure our groups are as safe as possible, and lots of our members have told us how reassured and supported they’ve felt walking through our doors.
MORE ON THE BLOG: Read about the measures we’ve put in place to keep you safe in group

“Group wasn’t as weird as I thought it could be and my Consultant did a brilliant job with the cleaning,” says Dann (@dannsully_sw) of his first-group-back experience. “It was really nice to see some of the faces I’ve spent the last year or so of my journey with.”

Consultant Matt’s (@slimmingworldboy) members also had a brilliant first week back. He says:
“It feels good to be back in my @slimmingworld groups again! Some great feedback as to the venue set-up, everyone felt safe and loved all the health and safety measures in place! Everyone’s motivated to kick-start a new week!”
MORE ON THE BLOG: 9 things our members love about being back at group
Discover Slimming World’s Take 5, Second Helpings
One of the things causing a real buzz in group is the new Take 5, Second Helpings cookbook. Packed with more than 60 inspiring recipes that use only five ingredients, this book will help you save money and keep your weight loss firing, with delicious dishes like cheeseburger pasta bake and asparagus wrapped in ham with flat-iron chicken.
You can get your hands on your FREE copy by joining now with our best-ever offer – but first we thought we’d whet your appetite by sharing what our members are loving about the latest cookbook.

Having lots of tasty new recipes to get stuck into has inspired Consultant Charly (@charly_slimming_world) to get into the planning groove with her weekly meals – always a great tip if you’re looking to boost your chances of slimming success. She says:
“Some new dinners lined up next week 🤩👌🏻 now to get my food order done.”

Beth (@slimminglane_) has been mixing up her menu by trying out some new recipes from the book – and it sounds like our Naked burrito bowl is going straight to the top of her favourites list. She says:
“Tea tonight was AMAZING!! Naked burrito from the Take 5 book that you get when you sign up to the Countdown 🙌🏻 I used mixed beans, passata and some chilli instead of kidney beans in chilli sauce. 100% making this again 😍😍”

How delicious does Consultant Carol’s (@carols_slimmingworld_life) fab frittata look? She says:
“Spinach frittata with smoked salmon. Trying new things from the Take 5, Second Helpings cookbook. This was gorgeous!!!”
It looks beautiful, too! Carol has lost 3st with Slimming World and keeping her menu fresh with exciting new recipes is one of the ways she maintains her fantastic weight loss.
MORE ON THE BLOG: Find out how our members feel about being back together
Get your FREE copy of Slimming World’s Take 5, Second Helpings – and six weeks for the price of five!
If you’re excited to return to your real-life Slimming World group – or you’re thinking about joining as a brand-new member – there’s only five days left to take advantage of our best-ever offer.
We’re giving both new and existing members a FREE recipe book and a FREE week with our best-ever Countdown offer. Simply commit to a six-week Countdown course before 10th October 2020. Find out more here.
Your local Consultant is at the end of the phone to answer any questions and book you on to a session.