Featured Post Three delicious ways to follow Food Optimising Whether you love to cook from scratch, enjoy our Food Range meals or are tempted by our convenient recipe boxes, we’ve got you covered
“Losing weight reignited my love life” At over 30st, Aaron had all but given up hope of finding love. Now 16st 4lbs lighter, he’s not only been crowned our Mr Sleek 2020 – he’s boosted his confidence levels and social life, and met a very special someone!
‘That feeling’ when the sky’s the limit Losing 5st 13lbs gave Donna Howarth the chance to experience her dream wing walk – now she’s saying yes to everything!
I’m a ‘top of the class’ slimmer At 14st 12lbs, Amy’s low self-esteem saw her almost give up on becoming a teacher. Now 5st 3lbs lighter, she’s confidently taking her place at the front of the class
‘That feeling’ of sky-high confidence Losing 3st gave Sarah the confidence to tackle one of her biggest fears – and sent her soaring over the Turkish coastline!
Group support fired up my slimming mojo At 14st 5½lbs, Cassie felt trapped in a cycle of yo-yo dieting… until she discovered that ‘Slimming World feeling’ and a whole new way to lose weight
5 ways Slimming World members beat Blue Monday Discover that incredible ‘Slimming World feeling’ in group and make today the best day of the year (so far!)...