Featured Post New! Slimming World salt and pepper chips Our super-simple recipe brings the fakeaway flavour, taking the humble chip to new levels...
Beef pho recipe Grab your bowls (and your napkins!). This oh-so slurpable noodle soup is satisfying, soothing and full of flavour
Slimming World air fryer pizza recipe Air frying these margherita pizzas means you can tuck into an easy-cheesy hot lunch – fast!
Healthy meals on a budget With easy, cheap recipes and cash-stretching strategies, Slimming World can help you to save while you slim
Cosy up with festive hot drinks Wrapping cold hands around hot drinks is the perfect way to warm up this winter. Hot chocolate, winter-spice coffee or mulled wine… which will you choose?
Cheesy chips with gravy Tuck in to the ultimate comfort food with this cheesy chips recipe from our Comfort Zone recipe book