Featured Post Join Slimming World and save £5! There's never been a better time to start working towards real weight loss results – without ever going hungry!
What’s included when you join Slimming World? From our weekly groups to our weight loss toolkit... discover the full package of Slimming World support
You absolutely can lose weight without injections Slimming World’s founder, Margaret Miles-Bramwell OBE, shares her thoughts on the recent news about the availability of weight loss drugs
25% off Slimming World Online This amazing offer for our digital service ends on Monday 2nd December!
Cheers to a slim-tastic Christmas! You can have yourself a merry little Christmas without putting your weight loss on the rocks. Take a sip of our slimming-friendly drinks
Our partnership with Diabetes UK: Your questions answered Find out more about our approach to weight loss for members living with diabetes – and how working closely with Diabetes UK will strengthen that service and support
Slimming World and Diabetes UK partnership We’ve come together to share expertise on weight loss, long-term healthy eating and diabetes