
Sarah’s new lease of life after maintaining 6st 10lbs weight loss for nine years


· A mum-of-two from Stoke-on-Trent has been named Slimming World’s Diamond Member of the Year 2024, a competition which celebrates weight maintenance

· Sarah tried various fad diets before achieving long-term success at her Slimming World group

· The 41-year-old has maintained her 6st 10lbs (43kg) weight loss for nine years, dropping from a size 20 to a size 10

A Staffordshire mum is embarking on a new career after winning an award for maintaining her 6st 10lbs weight loss for an incredible nine years.

Sarah Williams, 41, who’s been named Slimming World’s Diamond Member of the Year 2024, says her weight was holding her back from enjoying her life with her family, including going on bike rides or swimming with her children. It wasn’t until 2013, when she and her husband Lee decided to get married after 13 years together though, that Sarah decided it was time to make a change.

After losing her dad in 2012, Sarah took comfort in food. She says: “I’d been overweight from being a child. And by the time I had my children, Millie, now 18 and Maisie, now 14, in my late twenties, my weight had completely spiralled out of control. I was at my heaviest after my dad passed – I felt unhappy and was ashamed and frustrated with my weight.”

Sarah tried various quick fix weight loss methods, such as meal replacement shakes, in the past but found them difficult to sustain. She says: “I was living on shakes as a substitute for food and if I lost any weight, it always felt impossible to keep it off. And before I knew it, I’d be back at square one. I was just miserable and hungry, and knew I couldn’t carry on this way.”

In a new study, more than half of UK adults (56%) say they’ve followed a fad diet[1] in an attempt to lose weight with almost three quarters of those (71%) reporting they didn't lose any weight or didn’t lose as much weight as they wanted[2], and 11% gained weight.

The online survey of more than 2,000 adults[3] commissioned by Slimming World, found of the 1,123 UK adults who’d tried a fad diet, more than a third (38%) say they found it on social media and 35% said they could only stick to it for up to six days.  

Sarah continues: “Lee and I were so excited to finally get married. I knew I wanted to feel my best for our special day, however I felt anything but that when I was trying on dresses. Looking back now, I hadn’t coped well with the grief of losing my dad, and it made me realise how much I wanted to be around for my family for as long as possible. I knew the only way I could that though was by looking after myself first – and that started with my weight.”

With the wedding a year away, Sarah decided to try losing weight with Slimming World, which is celebrating its Emerald Anniversary this month after 55 years of supporting people to lose weight. She says: “I’d been a member in the past so knew I was in a safe environment, however I still felt embarrassed walking back into a group at first. I was instantly reminded of why I had no reason to be though, everyone was so lovely and welcoming. While I’d wanted to lose weight the times I’d tried before, something had clicked when I listened to my Consultant Paula explain the importance of building healthy new habits, and I’d realised the only way I could do that was by changing my habits – and for good this time. I had a different mindset from that very first group.”

Sarah got stuck straight into Simming World’s healthy eating plan. She says: “I knew the plan worked, but reading through the books I was given at my first group with fresh eyes helped me embrace it in a completely different way and see where I might have got tripped up in the past. I used these, alongside the Slimming World app to start planning my meals ahead of my weekly shop and found it helped steer away from self-sabotaging as I was becoming more aware of my trigger foods. However, knowing that I could still enjoy a treat when I fancied, like a lager, helped me stay on track. I was just learning how to enjoy it in moderation now and going to the group each week helped me to turn the changes I was making into habits.

“The way I shop, cook and eat has changed now. I cook homemade meals from scratch, like chicken stir-fry or beef stroganoff, every day. It works so easily for us a family too – I love that we can all enjoy the same meals. I’ve never felt like I’m on a diet and I’m never hungry because I’m still eating normal, everyday foods. It’s just a way of life for me now. I managed to lose 3st before my wedding, and felt amazing.”

Sarah Williams, Slimming World's Diamond Member of the Year 2024

I found going to the group every week has helped me not be too hard on myself and encouraged me to embrace and celebrate non-scale victories too, like feeling confident in new outfits or trying a new fitness class on my own.

Sarah Williams, Slimming World's Diamond Member of the Year 2024

Over time, Sarah started incorporating more activity into her daily routine with the help of Slimming World’s physical activity support programme. She says: “I wasn’t active at all before. The thought of exercising alone would wear me out! In the past, I had tried the odd gym class with friends, but I felt so unfit and never went back. I was also always too embarrassed to ever go swimming with my children when they were younger, I couldn’t face anyone judging me.

“Now I have new-found love for exercise. Paula explained how the programme worked and I loved that I could start at my own pace, take it at my own time – and get awards for my progress!  It motivated me to try new things too. I started a circuits class at my local gym once a week, and as my confidence grew and my fitness improved, I joined a few more classes. I think it’s been an important part of helping me to keep the weight off.”

Sarah credits Slimming World’s Slim for Life plan, which is a personalised 12-week plan to help members confidently transition from losing to maintaining their weight, for providing her with the tools she needed to sustain her weight loss long-term. She says: “I’m so grateful for Paula and the other members in the group. It hasn’t been plain sailing though, there were times after reaching the target I set myself when I’ve struggled with finding the balance to maintain my weight rather than lose or gain.”

She continues: “I found going to the group every week has helped me not be too hard on myself though and encouraged me to embrace and celebrate non-scale victories too, like feeling confident in new outfits or trying a new fitness class on my own.”

Sarah has maintained her 6st 10lbs weight loss for an incredible nine years, after reaching her target weight in 2015. She says: “Slimming World has completely changed my life. I spent most of my adult life hiding away, too embarrassed to get involved in family activities like swimming or bike riding, and missing out on special occasions because I’d struggle to find something clothes that I felt confident in. Now I’m making up for lost time, and just enjoying life to the fullest!”

She continues: “My relationship with my husband has also benefitted massively – we can enjoy simple things like going on date nights together now because I no longer feel self-conscious. Shopping for clothes is more enjoyable experience too – and something I love doing with my daughters. I couldn’t have done any of it without Paula’s support over these past nine years – I feel so lucky to call her a close friend now too.

“After being with my old company for 23 years, I started a new job at the beginning of this year as a Payroll Clerk at a local accountancy firm. It was a big move, but it’s something I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing before losing weight. I was always pretty comfortable being in the background, now I love meeting new people and can speak confidently in front of a room of people too – it’s quite an empowering feeling! I feel so proud that I’ve been able to be the healthy, happy mum I always wanted to be.”

You can view a video of Sarah’s story here.


Name: Sarah Williams 
Age: 41
Height: 5ft 5ins/165cm
Starting weight: 17st 11lbs/249lbs/113kg   
Current weight: 11st 1lb/155lbs/70kg
Weight loss: 6st 10lbs/94lbs/43kg   
Dress size before: 20
Dress size now: 10
Date joined Slimming World: January 2013
Date achieved target: August 2015
Time at target: Nine years
Group: Sarah attends the Sandyford Slimming World group in Stoke-on-Trent, which is held on Thursdays

Before menu
Breakfast: White toast or crumpets with butter or a sugary cereal
Lunch: Baguette or shop-bought pasta salad, crisps, sugary snacks
Dinner: Takeaways or frozen fish & chips or readymade pie and chips
Snacks: Biscuits, crisps, chocolate or savoury pies  

After menu
Breakfast: Overnight oats using fresh fruit like peaches, strawberries and plums
Lunch: Homemade salad with skinless cooked chicken pieces or quiche and couscous salad
Dinner: Slimming World diet cola chicken, fish or chicken stir-fries, steak with homemade chips
Snacks: Fat-free yogurt with fresh fruit, Slimming World high-fibre bars, a half pint of lager or glass of prosecco

[1] Fad diets – promoting rapid weight loss without robust scientific evidence to support them – can be hard to ignore for people keen to lose weight quickly.  Popular ones include plans where you eat a very restrictive diet with few foods or an unusual combination of foods.

[2] Responses include those who lost weight initially but regained more weight than before when stopping

[3] The research was conducted by Censuswide, among a sample of 2,004 nationally representative consumers across the UK (aged 18+) along with a self-selecting sample of 1,380 Slimming World members via Slimming World’s member website. The data was collected between 19.07.2024 - 24.07.2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct and ESOMAR principles. Censuswide is also a member of the British Polling Council.


Notes to editors

· This story is NOT for syndication to any magazines without the consent of Sarah Williams and the Slimming World press office (details above).
· Slimming World and Sarah Williams retain copyright of all images attached to this press release. After photos should be credited: Slimming World/Paul Buller

About Slimming World
Slimming World was founded by Margaret Miles-Bramwell OBE in Derbyshire in 1969 and has become the UK and Ireland’s leading weight loss organisation with more people choosing to attend a Slimming World group each week than any other weight loss programme. We support hundreds of thousands of people, both in our groups and online, to lose weight and to adopt new habits to stay slim for life.

Over the years our founding principles haven’t changed:

· Our unique programme is based on a powerfully motivating support system called IMAGE (Individual Motivation and Group Experience) Therapy. Underpinned by a deep understanding of the psychology of overweight people, and incorporating the most effective sustainable behaviour change techniques, IMAGE Therapy is designed to inspire and motivate slimmers to make positive changes and to develop new, healthier habits around food and physical activity.

· Food Optimising is our healthy eating plan, based on the liberating concept of Free Food. We encourage our members to fill up on those foods that are naturally lower in energy density (calories per gram) and also highly satisfying while limiting foods that are highest in fat and sugar and are less satisfying, so they lose weight without ever feeling hungry or deprived and without having to weigh, measure or count everything they eat. 

· Our physical activity support programme, Body Magic helps members to overcome any barriers around exercise. Members choose when to start and they set the pace, finding activities they genuinely enjoy, until regular physical activity becomes an intrinsic part of their daily routine. 

At the heart of everything we do lies our passion for treating every member with genuine care, empathy and respect.

We’re proud to work with the NHS, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), The Royal College of Midwives, Diabetes UK and others to help shape the future of weight management in the UK and Ireland.

For more information about Slimming World’s approach visit slimmingworld.co.uk or slimmingworld.ie

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