
Matthew loses 16½st to donate a kidney for his sister


A 24-year-old from Warrington has lost an incredible 16st 9lbs (105kg) to join the UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme (UKLSS) and improve his sister’s chances of finding a donor following her kidney failure diagnosis

Since joining Slimming World, Matthew now owns ‘Victory’, his dream vintage Mini Cooper – a car he always loved but couldn’t fit behind the wheel of when he weighed 31st 3lbs

Before losing weight Matthew spent over £6,000 a year on takeaways and fast food alone

Matthew has now been named Slimming World’s Man of the Year 2024, after losing the final 10st 5lbs with the help of his local group

Matthew Flanagan, 24, has lost an incredible 16st 9lbs to donate a kidney to improve his sister Emma’s chances of receiving a life-changing donation, following her kidney failure diagnosis.

He has also fulfilled a life-long dream of owning a vintage Mini Cooper – a car he couldn’t fit behind the wheel of previously.

At the age of 19 and weighing more than 31st, Matthew was told by his doctor that he would be ‘lucky to make it to the end of the year’. Matthew says: “Hearing that from my doctor really hit home. I started to realise that everything you do has a consequence and that I was taking myself down a dark path. My dad was a key influence in getting me started on my weight loss journey, too.

“Dad has encouraged me and believed in me, and he gave me the determination to make a change. In the early days, he would walk with me to and from my Slimming World group to encourage me to get my steps in. At the time my sister was in kidney failure, and I was eating my way to an early grave – it was a lot for my family to deal with so I’m glad he was there for me.”

Matthew, who has won Slimming World’s Man of the Year competition, continues: “I had already started losing weight when we got the news that my sister needed a transplant. Everyone in the family got tested but unfortunately my tissue sample didn’t match, and my overall health meant I wasn’t a viable candidate. None of us was an exact match, but we did have other options.  

“We learned about the UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme (UKLSS), a scheme that allows me to donate my kidney to anyone who is a match, and in turn gives my sister a greater chance of finding a match herself. That was a big turning point for me. From then on, I knew what I needed to do. Not only did I need to make changes for my own long-term health, but for Emma’s as well. Her situation gave me the drive and determination to lose the weight so I could help her get a new kidney.

“I started losing weight on my own with encouragement and daily walks with Dad. I lost a good amount of weight on my own, but I still felt like I had a long way to go. I bumped into a friend who looked great and told me he had lost weight with Slimming World. He talked about his group, and it sounded like just what I needed, so I decided to give it a go.

Matthew Flanagan, Slimming World's Man of the Year 2024

Not only did I need to make changes for my own long-term health, but for Emma’s as well. Her situation gave me the drive and determination to lose the weight so I could help her get a new kidney.

Matthew Flanagan, Slimming World's Man of the Year 2024

“I went on to lose another 10st 5lbs with the help of my Slimming World group – 16st 9lbs in total. I’ve found such a huge support network at my group – it really does feel like one big family. Kerrie, my Consultant, and the members of the Latchford group have helped me to become a version of myself that I love with absolutely no judgement along the way. I think my experience just goes to show how important the support of a community can be. Losing weight on your own can feel quite lonely – whereas now I’m surrounded by people who understand the challenges that struggling with your weight can bring.”

Slimming World’s approach supports members to change their mindset around food with its healthy eating plan, which encourages members to base their food choices around everyday foods that are filling yet low in calories, such as fruit, veg, lean meat, fish and seafood, pasta, rice, potatoes and eggs.

Matthew, who works for an aviation company in Lymm, Cheshire, says: “I’ve always found it difficult to eat healthily as I’ve been a carer for my mum since the age of six. Before I lost weight my diet consisted of highly processed, high-sugar foods. I would often skip breakfast and spend the day eating lots of snacks between meals and then I’d have takeaways for convenience. I added up that in once year I’d spent over £6,000 on takeaways alone!

“For the first time in my life I was thinking about the type of food I was eating – like the kind of foods that would keep me fuller for longer or which foods were more likely to make me go off track. Staying to group each week is really important for me to, that’s what really makes those habits stick. I eat healthily naturally now, it’s like second nature to me.”

Matthew soon got to grips with Slimming World’s eating plan, which helped him to swap his takeaways for home-cooked meals packed full of low calorie yet filling foods like lean meats, potatoes and veg. He says: “A typical day for me now always starts with a filling breakfast which sets me up for the day. Slimming World has taught me the importance of having a varied diet. I don’t ever feel restricted and still eat my favourite meals like cheeseburger pasta or air-fryer nuggets. I just prepare and cook things differently now. I have a big appetite, so I love that Slimming World doesn’t restrict me in that way. I think that has played a huge part in my success.”

After a few months of healthy eating, Matthew felt ready to try Slimming World’s physical activity support programme, which helps members to create a personal plan to increase their activity levels. He says: “Before I’d sit in my room playing video games with the blinds closed, now I can’t wait to get up and go for a walk. I walk around four miles on my lunch break and some days I’ll go for another walk again with my dad when I get home.

“I also started hiking and in the past year I’ve climbed Snowdon and more recently Scafell Pike in the Lake District. I have so many things I would love to do now that before I could only dream of. I also felt more confident in myself which meant I put myself out there a bit more. I’ve since met my girlfriend Anna, who is a Slimming World member too, so we’re good at keeping each other on track!

“When I look back on what my life was like prior to my weight loss, I just don’t recognise that version of myself anymore. A few years down the line and almost 17st lighter I’ve finally been accepted into the UKLSS, so later this year it’s likely that I’ll become a donor to someone in need of a kidney. This will make such a huge difference to my sister’s chances of receiving a kidney herself. For me to be able to help my sister in this way means everything.

“Another amazing thing that has come from my weight loss is my Racing Green Mini Cooper SPI called Victory, named after my grandad, Victor. Me and Grandad have always gone to car shows together and I always wanted to sit in the classic Mini Coopers but I simply wouldn’t fit in them. The week before I bought Victory we went along to a show, and I finally fitted behind the wheel.

“My grandad has helped me cover the costs of repairs and is ecstatic with the progress I’ve made, so it felt only right to name it in his honour. I love to drive Victory and reflect on just how far I’ve come. I’m the same person but I’ve unlocked a new chapter of my life now.  I’m looking forward to living life to the fullest with my loved ones by my side – and if that isn’t a victory, I don’t know what is!”

You can watch a video of Matthew’s story here.


Name: Matthew Flanagan

Age: 24

Height: 5ft 11ins/177cm

Starting weight: 31st 3lbs/437lbs/198kg

Current weight: 14st 8lbs/204lbs/93kg

Total weight loss: 16st 9lbs/233lbs/105kg

Weight loss with Slimming World: 10st 5lbs/145lbs/65kg

Waist size before: 58ins/147cm

Waist size now: 36ins/91cm

Date joined Slimming World: September 2020


Before menu

Breakfast: None

Mid-morning: Pastries or a bag of crisps

Lunch: Sandwich or a takeaway meal such as pie and chips

Dinner: Frozen oven food such as chicken strips and chips or takeaway meal

Snacks: Tub of ice cream, bags of sweets, family share bags of crisps


After menu

Breakfast: Home-cooked omelette made with lean ham, onions and grated cheese or scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast

Lunch: Leftovers from the night before e.g. Slimming World-style bolognaise or chilli, taken to work and warmed up

Dinner: Lean steak served with homemade sweet potato chips made with low-calorie cooking spray served with and salad

Evening: Yoghurt with meringue nests and berries, two Slimming World Hi-Fi bars, small packet of crisps or a chocolate bar


Notes to editors

●        This story is NOT for syndication to any magazines without the consent of Matthew Flanagan and the Slimming World press office (details above).

●        Slimming World and Matthew Flanagan retain copyright of all images attached to this press release. After photos should be credited: Slimming World/Paul Buller

About Slimming World

Slimming World was founded by Margaret Miles-Bramwell OBE in Derbyshire in 1969 and has become the UK and Ireland’s leading weight loss organisation with more people choosing to attend a Slimming World group each week than any other weight loss programme. We support hundreds of thousands of people, both in our groups and online, to lose weight and to adopt new habits to stay slim for life.

Over the years our founding principles haven’t changed:

·          Our unique programme is based on a powerfully motivating support system called IMAGE (Individual Motivation and Group Experience) Therapy. Underpinned by a deep understanding of the psychology of overweight people, and incorporating the most effective sustainable behaviour change techniques, IMAGE Therapy is designed to inspire and motivate slimmers to make positive changes and to develop new, healthier habits around food and physical activity.

·          Food Optimising is our healthy eating plan, based on the liberating concept of Free Food. We encourage our members to fill up on those foods that are naturally lower in energy density (calories per gram) and also highly satisfying while limiting foods that are highest in fat and sugar and are less satisfying, so they lose weight without ever feeling hungry or deprived and without having to weigh, measure or count everything they eat. 

·          Our physical activity support programme, Body Magic helps members to overcome any barriers around exercise. Members choose when to start and they set the pace, finding activities they genuinely enjoy, until regular physical activity becomes an intrinsic part of their daily routine. 

At the heart of everything we do lies our passion for treating every member with genuine care, empathy and respect.

We’re proud to work with the NHS, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), The Royal College of Midwives, Diabetes UK and others to help shape the future of weight management in the UK and Ireland.

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