
There is such a thing as a Free lunch at Slimming World HQ

To celebrate the launch of a national healthy eating campaign, Slimming World served up a delicious banquet for 350 employees at its Alfreton head office in on 1st February – which was ‘Free’ in more ways than one.

Throughout February, Slimming World groups across the UK are enjoying ‘Free Food February’, a festival-inspired celebration named after all of the ‘Free Foods’ that Slimming World’s 900,000 members can enjoy without weighing, counting or measuring.

Food Optimising, Slimming World’s eating plan, uses the principles of energy density (the calories per gram in a food), and satiety (how filling a food is). Foods with low energy density and that are highly satisfying are totally unlimited for slimmers to enjoy any time. Free Foods include fruit and vegetables, lean meat and fish, potatoes, pasta, rice, eggs and more.

The restaurant at Slimming World head office served up a menu of Free Food-filled dishes to celebrate the national launch, and all meals were provided free to head office staff. The healthy dishes to choose from included chicken breast pizzas, spring lamb hotpot and hot potato curry. All meals came with rice, Slimming World roast potatoes or jacket potatoes, vegetables and salad.

Each year, the Slimming World restaurant serves up more than 100,000 subsidised meals for staff, visitors and the 4,500 weight loss Consultants who attend the Slimming World Academy for training. Typically costing only £2, all meals are cooked from scratch by a talented catering team, and staff are emailed a weekly menu in advance. The meals are prepared using Slimming World recipes, so those who follow the organisation’s Food Optimising healthy eating plan can ensure they stay on track with delicious healthy meals at work.

Notes to Editors

Slimming World was founded by Margaret Miles-Bramwell (OBE, FRSA) in 1969. There are now more than 18,000 groups held weekly across the UK and Republic of Ireland via a network of 4,000 community-based Slimming World Consultants, who receive specific training in the role of diet and physical activity in weight management, as well as sophisticated behaviour-change techniques.

Slimming World’s healthy eating plan, Food Optimising, is based on the science of satiety and energy density. Our phased activity programme, Body Magic, eases members into activity until it becomes an intrinsic part of their daily routine. The principles behind Slimming World’s philosophy are based on a deep understanding of the challenges faced by overweight people and a recognition that those who struggle with weight carry a double burden, the weight itself and a burden of guilt and shame about their weight. Slimming World’s programme integrates practical, up-to-date advice with a highly developed support system based on care and compassion, and Consultant training focuses on facilitating behaviour change in a warm and friendly group environment. Consultant training is delivered through the Slimming World Academy. Slimming World also invests in a comprehensive research programme to develop its support for long-term weight management. The group support provided by Slimming World is recognised as effective by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the NHS.

For more information about Slimming World’s approach visit www.slimmingworld.co.uk or call 0344 897 8000.

For the Press Office please email public.relations@slimmingworld.co.uk