Keeping active
There’s no denying it, being a parent is exhausting! It’s not unusual to find that you have no energy or any desire to be more active – so don’t be hard on yourself if you’re feeling that way.

If you’d like to start becoming a little more active again, here are a few options that other new mums have found helpful:
- Consider joining a postnatal exercise class. More and more are available these days, and as well as increasing your activity levels, you’ll also make some new mum friends! Classes such as Buggyfit, Pushy Mums and baby swimming sessions help you to exercise while involving your little one. Ask your midwife or health visitor if they know of any locally.
- Buy or borrow an exercise DVD, or check out the workout videos on YouTube. This means you don’t have to leave the house and you can fit in some exercise while at home (your little one might even enjoy watching you jumping about in the lounge!). There are also some great postnatal DVDs available.
- This Mum Moves is an initiative supporting mums-to-be and new mums with being active. There are lots of activities for you to try, including a number of at-home workouts delivered by a range of instructors. If you’re interested in getting started with activity at home or want to add something new to your current routine, visit the This Mum Moves website.
- Book a babysitter and get out to a class. This gives you some valuable ‘me time’ as well as the chance to meet up with friends while working out.
- Don’t forget the benefits of a simple walk! A brisk walk while pushing the buggy is a great way to keep active. You’ll get some exercise and your little one will love being outside and looking around (or enjoy a sleep with the motion).
*While there are many brilliant benefits to becoming more active, we recommend that you please talk to your midwife/GP before embarking on a new exercise regime (especially if you have had a Caesarean section) and, if you’re attending a class which isn’t specifically aimed at postnatal women, mention to the person running the class that you have recently had a baby.