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The countdown to Christmas is now well and truly underway. Yet while we might all worry about what presents to buy for friends and family, at Slimming World we know exactly what gift our 800,000+ weekly members want for Christmas: the chance of a slimmer, healthier and happier future. Here are just a few stories explaining what we're doing to help our members and others who struggle with their weight to achieve their dream weight. |
Largest ever audit of a lifestyle-based weight management programme published
An audit of 1.3 million Slimming World members has been published in the Journal BMC Public Health. This publication shows members achieve significant weight losses and reductions in BMI over their first 3 months of membership – an average 3.9kg (8.5lb) or 4.4% loss of body weight. It also indicates the programme is as effective for those members joining with higher starting BMIs (and often considered candidates for more intensive weight loss interventions) as it is for those with less weight to lose. This is the largest ever audit of a lifestyle-based weight management programme and, importantly, shows outcomes of people who self–fund their membership at Slimming World, rather than those who have been referred by the NHS. The results demonstrate that Slimming World can have a significant impact on the health of the nation as a practical option for community–based weight management strategies, achieving large-scale, clinically safe and effective weight loss.
Read the article here →
Webinar to help midwives support women to manage their weight. 8th December 2015, 7pm
The Better Births Webinar 'Maternal Obesity: Supporting women to change' will discuss the scale, costs and risks of maternal obesity and the opportunities midwives have for supporting women to manage their weight. Midwives will learn how to raise the issue of weight without implying criticism or judgement, which could harm the relationship between the midwife and mother–to–be. The session will be presented by Jennifer Percival, Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor, counsellor and author, who works as a national behaviour change trainer, and hosted by Rupa Chilvers, RCM Better Births Advisor. Participants will learn how to assess women's readiness to change, help women to take realistic first steps for healthy weight management and increase their confidence in maintaining changes long-term.
Book to take part in the Webinar here →
Mum who shunned gastric band loses 14st naturally
A mum-of-two who was warned by her GP that she'd be dead or confined to a wheelchair by the age of 45 if she didn't lose weight has shed over 14st to become Slimming World's Woman of the Year 2015. Although she was offered weight loss surgery by her GP, Cheryl Blythe, 33, decided to join Slimming World instead and through healthy lifestyle changes and weekly group support has gone from 24st 3lbs to 10st. She is now looking forward to a long and healthy life with her family.
Read her full story here →
Successful slimmer meets the doctor whose conversation about her weight helped save her life
When Georgina Wallace met Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Sanjay Arya for the first time, she was visiting her mum in intensive care after a weight-related heart attack that proved to be fatal. At 18st 3½lbs (116kg) Dr Arya was worried that Georgina's weight could result in her suffering a similar fate and felt he had a duty to talk to her about it. Several years later, having lost a life-changing 8st with Slimming World, Georgina went back to meet Dr Arya to thank him for having the difficult conversation and raising the issue of her weight in a compassionate way. She said: "I'd avoided doctors for a long time as I always felt lectured about my weight which caused me to feel defensive, but Dr Arya didn't approach it in that way. He was very compassionate and simply explained that the history of heart disease in the family, combined with my weight, meant that I could be at risk of suffering similar problems to my mum. I didn't feel judged; I just felt that he was offering me advice and it helped me to open my mind for the first time to the possibility that actually I really did need to lose weight. His words stayed with me and were instrumental in my eventual decision to join Slimming World and transform my life."
Read more about raising the issue of weight →
Weight management advertising guidelines relaxed after years of campaigning
After many years of campaigning by numerous organisations, including Slimming World, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has changed its advertising rules to allow responsible weight loss organisations to advertise to people who have a BMI >30 and are most at risk of developing diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. In announcing the change in the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) Codes for weight control, the ASA stated: "In light of the fact that some of these programmes have become recognised as safe and effective ways for people to lose weight, CAP considers it is disproportionate to prohibit them from advertising their services to people who are obese."
Read more here →
Practical videos to help people cook their favourite healthy meals from scratch
Helping people to develop the practical skills, the confidence and the desire to cook more from scratch is an integral part of Slimming World's approach to weight management. As well as sharing recipe ideas and tips in their weekly group session, Slimming World members can now also access a wide range of videos providing step-by-step guidance on how to cook their favourite recipes. A selection of videos are also freely available to the public on Slimming World's YouTube channel.
Slimming World's YouTube channel → |
Click here to find out more about Slimming World's approach to healthy eating, facilitating behaviour change through deep understanding and compassion and supporting an active lifestyle.
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