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Welcome to the latest edition of our Weight and Health Now newsletter. While it is April Fool's Day today it's now after 12 noon – so you can rest assured that all of the following stories are genuine!
As always, you can find out more about any of the stories in our newsletter simply by clicking the green button at the end of each item. And do let us know what you think, as we love to hear your feedback!
Slimming World partners in Government health campaign
Slimming World, along with Amazon, Asda and BBC Get Inspired, is a partner in a pioneering new adult health campaign launched by Public Health England.
The ‘One You’ campaign is the most significant public health campaign in the last five years and the first ever nationwide campaign to address preventable disease in adults. It aims to improve the health of adults across the country by avoiding future diseases caused by modern day life. Slimming World has joined the campaign as the weight management partner.
Primarily aimed at 40-60 year-olds, ‘One You’ encourages people to take control of their health and to enjoy significant benefits now and in later life. The ‘How are You?’ quiz helps people assess their current health situation and makes suggestions for changes.
As part of its commitment to the campaign partnership, Slimming World is offering discounts for group and online membership between 7 March and 29 May 2016.
Take the 'How are you' quiz →
Learning to be self-reassuring after a lapse helps slimmers get back on track
New research by Slimming World demonstrates that learning to be less self-critical and more self-reassuring after a lapse can help people get back to healthy eating more quickly, lose weight and keep it off.
The survey of 1,722 slimmers found that while nearly all had had a lapse at some point on a previous weight loss plan, 78% of people who had been self-critical after this lapse had been unsuccessful with their weight loss and 47% had gained weight. This was due to being increasingly likely to turn to food for comfort (50%) or give up completely (34%).
Since attending weekly group support sessions, the survey showed that Slimming World members have typically learned to reduce how critical they are of themselves when things go wrong and are instead more self-reassuring. Seeing themselves as ‘human’ and ‘determined’, rather than ‘weak’ or ‘a failure’, most now get straight back to making healthier choices (58%) and 84% lose weight in the weeks following the lapse. The most self-reassuring group of respondents got back to healthy eating most quickly and were the most likely to lose weight and keep it off.
Read more here → |
Sugar tax won’t help much, Slimming World poll finds
The latest budget announcement included details of a tax on sugary drinks that is to be implemented in 2018. However a previous Slimming World poll suggests that a tax will have little impact on overweight people‘s food and drink choices if used in isolation.
A survey of 1,254 Slimming World members tested measures suggested by Public Health England in their report ‘Sugar reduction: the evidence for action’. There was wide support for healthier food in hospitals and leisure centres (62%), reformulation of everyday food and drinks (60%) and fewer special offers on unhealthy food (54%), yet the sugar tax was thought to be the least likely to succeed, with only 16% voting for it.
Dr Jacquie Lavin, Head of Nutrition and Research for Slimming World, says: “In recent months there has been so much focus on the sugar tax that other recommendations to reduce sugar intake have almost been forgotten. Obesity is not going to be solved by a sugar tax alone though, it’s far too complex an issue for that. As our member poll suggests, to tackle obesity successfully we need a much broader strategy and raft of policies than simply taxing sugar.“
Read the full story here →
Mum shows Slimming World works for the whole family and across cultures
A mum who worried that attending a weight management group wouldn’t fit in with her family’s traditional Asian culture, food and lifestyle has lost 4st 3lbs and won Slimming World’s Consultant Slimmer of the Year award.
Azra Bashir, 40, had struggled with her weight since childhood. She decided to make a change after being diagnosed with gallstones, as doctors said they would be unable to operate unless she lost weight.
Although she decided to give Slimming World a try, Azra worried it wouldn’t fit with her lifestyle or allow her to enjoy traditional Asian food. Fearing failure she kept it a secret from her family and friends initially.
After losing 4st 3lbs though Azra’s family are fully aware and fully behind her – her husband has lost 5st too! Azra has since trained to become a Slimming World Consultant herself and the award recognises her work supporting the 150 members in her groups in Ward End, Birmingham, as well as her own weight loss success.
Read more about Azra’s story →
Bexley midwives win award for weight management service for pregnant women
Two midwives from Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust have won the Slimming World Award for Public Health at the Royal College of Midwives’ (RCM) Annual Midwifery Awards.
The midwives and their team wanted to tackle the issue of obesity in pregnancy in a holistic way, as Bexley has higher than average levels of maternal obesity.
The service provides pregnant women who need help with weight management with access to a range of support from midwives, physiotherapists, Health Visitors, a yoga teacher and a local Slimming World Consultant. The women who have used the service reported that the classes have helped them to make healthier lifestyle changes, to share their experiences and gain support from other women using the service. This has led to them feeling much more confident about their pregnancy and future weight management.
Carolyn Pallister, Public Health Manager for Slimming World, said: “We’re delighted to be supporting this award and to be able to give recognition to innovative projects like this one alongside our partners the Royal College of Midwives. At Slimming World we believe that anything that helps families get off to a healthy start can have a huge impact on public health and wellbeing.”
Read more here →
Webinar: Maternal Obesity - Supporting women to change
This webinar discusses the scale, costs and risks of maternal obesity and the opportunities midwives have for supporting women to manage their weight. How to raise the issue of weight without implying criticism or judgement, which could harm the relationship between the midwife and mother–to–be, is covered. How to assess women's readiness to change, help women to take realistic first steps for healthy weight management and to increase their confidence in maintaining changes for the long-term are also discussed. The session is presented by Jennifer Percival, who works as a national behaviour change trainer and is hosted by the Royal College of Midwives.
View the webinar → |
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