Seven of the eight men lost weight through the Slimming World on Referral partnership, where patients are given blocks of 12-weeks free membership of Slimming World. After completing their referral they went on to self-fund, meaning they continued to lose weight at no cost to their Local Authority. The other member joined Slimming World after a recommendation from his GP.
The eight men have lost more than 70st between them to significantly improve their health.
Slimming World on Referral enables GPs and health professionals to refer patients, whose weight could be affecting their health, the chance to attend a local Slimming World group for 12 weeks, free to the patient and subsidised by Slimming World.
Slimming World’s research shows that referral members who attend at least 10 out of their 12 sessions lose more than 5% of their starting weight. Over 40% go on to self-fund attendance after their referral period, achieving an average weight loss of around 10% by 12 months. Research published in the British Journal of General Practice 2014 shows that at 12 months, Slimming World leads to a greater weight loss than other weight loss programmes. In 2015, an independent economic evaluation by the University of Leeds found that, compared to usual care, Slimming World on Referral is cost-effective against the standards set by NICE at 12 months and over a lifetime.
The scheme is now available in around 70 areas of the UK.
Andrew Newson

Age: 52
From: Maidenbower, Crawley
Start weight: 22st 5.5lbs
Weight loss: 8st 11lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 39%
Before: Andrew’s GP let him know that his weight was putting him at serious risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer and, because he carried excess weight around his waist, he was at a very high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. He offered Andrew free referral to a weight management organisation and, in June 2014, Andrew decided to join Slimming World.
Now: Two years on and Andrew’s health has improved dramatically. He is no longer on any prescription medications for cholesterol or blood pressure, and he passed a medical assessment at work with flying colours. He is now much fitter, sleeps better, feels less stressed and more confident. He’s even qualified as a Scuba Diver!
Brian Harrison

Age: 45
From: Nottinghamshire
Start weight: 27st 4lbs
Weight loss: 13st 1.5lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 48%
Slimming World: Brian’s GP recommended he join a weight loss group due to his Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. On hearing those words he joined Slimming World in October 2014.
Now: Since losing weight, Brian’s health has significantly improved, and his blood sugar levels are now within normal range. His waist has gone from 58” to 34”. He now walks every day including 12 miles every Saturday, and says his life is completely different.
Derrick Ernest

Age: 75
From: Nuthall
Start weight: 18st 10lbs
Weight loss: 5st 8.5lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 30%
Slimming World: At 18st 10lbs Derrick suffered from back pain and sleep apnoea, and he struggled to walk far. Derrick’s GP recommended he join Slimming World through Nottingham Health Care, and he was referred for 12 weeks of Slimming World membership.
Now: Derrick has lost more than 5st since March 2016 and continues to attend his Slimming World group. He has managed to reduce his medication for diabetes and blood pressure, and he no longer has sleep apnoea. He now enjoys gardening, walking and cycling, and his wife has lost weight too through enjoying his healthy recipes.
Ian Knowles

Age: 51
From: Stourbridge
Start weight: 22st 10.5lbs
Weight loss: 9st 13lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 44%
Slimming World: Ian had been overweight for 22 years. After an accident at work which left him with a back injury, his doctor told him he’d need to lose weight or he’d have problems for the rest of his life. With a BMI of 44.5kg/m² he was offered a free 12-week referral to a weight management service, and chose to join Slimming World in April 2015 after recommendations from friends.
Now: Fifteen months on and 9st 13lbs lighter, Ian now enjoys walking and no longer suffers from back and joint problems. He is still often surprised to see his reflection in the mirror.
Peter Willet

Age: 56
From: Stevenage
Start weight: 22st 13lbs
Weight loss: 8st 8lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 37%
Slimming World: Peter went to see his GP after being concerned about constantly feeling out of breath. He worried he’d die young and that his family wouldn’t see him live a full life. His doctor referred him to Slimming World in September 2014.
Now: Peter now walks much more frequently and spends a lot more time with his family. Since losing weight he has so much more confidence. After wanting to fly a helicopter for most of his life, he finally got the chance to do so after meeting the weight requirements – a dream come true.
Mark Mcvitty

Age: 53
From: Fermanagh
Start weight: 22st 5.5lbs
Weight loss: 8st 9.5lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 39%
Slimming World: Mark stopped smoking 25 years ago and soon gained weight as he found his appetite increased. He was put on medication for Type 2 diabetes and his weight meant he struggled with climbing stairs, cleaning, and standing for long periods of time. Mark’s diabetes nurse gave him vouchers for Slimming World on Referral, and he joined in November 2013.
Now: Mark says losing weight has changed his life. He now enjoys walking, cooking and socialising. At his last check-up, Mark’s doctor advised him that his medication could soon be reduced, and possibly stopped altogether.
Owen Hemms

Age: 68
From: Newent, Gloucester
Start weight: 20st 2lbs
Weight loss: 7st 5lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 37%
Slimming World: Owen’s weight was taking its toll on his health and, after having a heart valve replaced in 2003, he was set to have two stents fitted to the arteries around his heart. At more than 20st he was referred to Slimming World by his doctor’s practice through Gloucestershire NHS, and joined shortly after in September 2014.
Now: Since losing weight, Owen no longer needs the stent fitted, and his medication has been reduced. He now loves that he can keep up with grandchildren, play skittles better than before and he has even taken up a part-time job at Newent Circle Club!
Barry Clark

Age: 47
From: Whitchurch, Bristol
Start weight: 22st 7lbs
Weight loss: 9st 2.5lbs
Percentage of body weight lost: 41%
Slimming World: Barry had gained weight after his job had become less physical, and at more than 22st he struggled with sleeping and keeping active. He had seen friends have great success with Slimming World and, as a local councillor, was eligible for Slimming World on Referral through Bristol City Council’s workplace referral scheme. He joined along with his wife in November 2014.
Now: Barry had a recent NHS health check and was told he was in fantastic health. He now sleeps better and has so much more energy. Barry now enjoys walking and Judo, and last year even climbed Mount Snowdon. Reaching the top of Ben Nevis is his next challenge.
To find out more about Slimming World on Referral visit: