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The 2013 European Congress on Obesity (ECO) is less than 2 weeks away and we have been busy preparing for this annual event which is coming to Liverpool this year.
We’re happy to say that we are presenting a number of abstracts at the event as well as hosting a satellite symposium. Full details of the symposium and a list of the abstracts is included below as well as detail of a special health professionals discount.
Presenting new research
Slimming World’s Nutrition and Research team will be presenting 10 research posters at the event. These include:
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Weight outcomes in 1.2 million Slimming World members during their initial 3 months’ membership.
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12 month weight outcomes.
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Results from our new Slimming World on Referral ‘Super Service’.
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Research into self-esteem and quality of life in our members.
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The preliminary results of a pilot study into weight management support via the workplace.
See the titles of all 10 abstracts here. If you can’t make it to ECO yourself this year, look out for our ECO round-up in June where copies of the abstracts will be available.
On Monday May 13th at 1.15-2.45pm we are hosting a lunchtime symposium: 'The essential role of compassion, understanding and care in weight loss'. The symposium, chaired by Andy Hill, Professor of Medical Psychology at the University of Leeds, includes discussions from internationally renowned behaviour change expert Professor Alain Golay from Switzerland, Clinical Psychologist Marcela Matos from Portugal as well as Slimming World research specialist Dr James Stubbs.
Prof. Andrew Hill, UK (Chair)
Andrew Hill is Professor of Medical Psychology and Head of the Division of Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences at Leeds University School of Medicine. Over the last 25 years his research interests have included human appetite control, the development of weight and shape concerns in childhood and psychological issues inherent in obesity and eating disorders.
Prof. Alain Golay, Switzerland
Professor Golay has been Professor in Medicine at the Service of Therapeutic Education for Chronic Diseases, University Hospital, Geneva, since 1993 and has been head of the service since 2003. He is responsible for diabetes and obesity outpatients, patient education and cognitive behavioural approaches. His session is titled ‘Therapeutic patient education for weight management’. Read more here.
Dr Marcela Matos, Portugal
Dr Matos is a clinical psychologist and postdoctoral research fellow at the Cognitive and Behavioural Research Center (CINEICC), University of Coimbra, in Portugal, who has developed research in social rank theory and compassion approaches. Dr Matos’s session is titled ‘The importance of compassionate approaches for obesity management’. Read more here.
Dr James Stubbs, UK
Slimming World research specialist Dr James Stubbs has over 20 years' experience in conducting large scale-human trials and interventions, concerned with weight control and obesity. Dr Stubbs’s presentation will focus on ‘Engaging people in behaviour change through large scale group support’. Read more here.
Discounts for health professionals
A special NHS/Local Authority UK day rate, applicable to nurses and other AHPs (ie dietitians, physiotherapists and occupational therapists working in the NHS) has been announced by ECO 2013 and the ASO. Plus those registering for any ECO day will receive complimentary ASO membership for 12 months. This special day rate of £150 is only available as an onsite registration at the congress centre during the meeting. Staff ID as proof of NHS/Local Authority status will be required. For further details click here.
Click here to find out more about Slimming World's approach to healthy eating, facilitating behaviour change through deep understanding and compassion and supporting an active lifestyle.
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